Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Weekend in Utah

The weather finally was good enough that Kyle and I were able to go to Utah to visit my family this last weekend! We met up with my parents and Laura in Salt Lake City to have dinner with them at Kyle's favorite Mexican restaurant, The Red Iguana.

On Saturday Laura and I went with my mom and dad to the Temple. My dad has been doing some genealogy work so Laura did some work for our 3rd great grandma and I got to do work for my 4th great grandma, it was pretty neat to do something so special for such close relatives.
Laura and me
My mom, me and Laura
Me, my dad and Laura
Laura, me and Toby
Rosanne and Rafa hung out with us Friday night and Saturday afternoon and evening. It was fun relaxing and visiting together.
I love visiting my family and that includes Toby! He certainly is getting up there in years but he is still great to cuddle with and is as cute as ever!


Rafa and Rosanne said...

So fun to have you visit! Come back soon! :) Kyle and I were saying sometime when you guys come down we will have to eat at the Pie in SLC. I love it and have not been there in forever!

becky ward said...

that is really neat that you were able to do some temple work for relatives. glad you had a good visit.