Saturday, March 26, 2011

Weekend in Boise

Now that we are in Twin Falls, we are only two hours away from Kyle's family in Boise so it's easier to head over there for the weekend. We spent last weekend there and made our delicious pizza for them. This time we tried a different kind of cheese for those who may like more vegetables and less cheese and that was a big hit!

Rachel, Kyle's mom and I spent some time getting things for Kelsey's wedding, this is us taking a break and getting some lunch.
Kyle's mom is really good at finding old pieces of furniture and making them look new and I am always telling her that I want her to teach me how to do it so for my birthday this year she got me this old glass window and taught me how to fix it up!
It was fun learning the techniques and her tricks.

Here is the finished product! It turned out super cute and I can't wait to put it on my wall!

1 comment:

ckm said...

What a neat project - fun Mom-in-law activity.
Planning a wedding! I hope you do the flowers!!!