Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Chuck E Cheese

For my nephew's 3rd birthday this year his parents gave him a party at Check E Cheese and he had so much fun!
The birthday boy!
Wes got so excited when he got tickets

He was concentrating hard!

Wes and his dad

Not only is it a place for kids to be a kid!

Listen to Wes closely and see if you can tell how excited he is to go to Chuck E Cheese! One thing Kyle likes to do when we go over to Kevins is to have the kids race around the house...they love it as he tells them how many more laps they have! However this time, Wesley just started doing this on his own, running around the kitchen saying...Chuck E Cheese, where a kid can be a kid!


becky ward said...

what a clown! glad you guys could make it to the party.

Laura Ward said...

So sad I missed the party! But that's pretty funny making the kids run around like that.