Friday, May 22, 2015

We are Pregnant!!!

Kyle and I found out Monday night, Nov 3 that I am pregnant! I was about a week or so late so I figured it was time to take a test. It does not feel real at all to us!!! We have been trying for so long (4-5 years) and month after month my cycles starts and we just kept staring at the test wondering if it is really true!We have our first two appointments scheduled though and we are super excited. I will certainly feel more comfortable and excited though when I notice some more changes, we just have been waiting so long it just feel so unreal. I was going to go in this month to get an HSG done to see if my tubes were open to see if that was the issue because Kyle has been on his medicine for 8-9 months and that still didn't seem to be helping. But I prayed and prayed that if at all possible Heavenly Father could fix anything that might need to be fixed without having to go in and do that and along with that Kyle exercised pretty regular the last month and a half or so and I think that might have helped too. Either way it is a miracle and a blessing and I just feel so wonderful knowing that it can happen and has happened. I know a lot can happen between now and July 7, 2015 but I know the Lord's hand is in our lives and everything will work out.We decided to celebrate by getting some pizza that night for dinner!

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