Wednesday, May 23, 2012

My First Half Marathon!!

 My friend at work was kind enough to invite me to do a half marathon with her, however this wasn't just a normal half marathon it is considered one of the toughest in the northwest! It is 8.5 miles up a mountain and 4.5 downhill - starts at elevation 2725 and the summit is 4797 and finishes at 3065. We spent about 2 1/2 months training together and were super excited for the race and were so excited when we picked up our packets that we had to go to dinner to celebrate!
 The picture above is us patiently waiting for the race to begin!
 Almost there...
Victory! This year was one of the hottest years for this race so that affected our time some but we finished strong and are going to begin training for a full marathon here shortly!!


becky ward said...

AWESOME! way to go staci!

ckm said...

Way to go!

Ras Family said...

Way to go! You are awesome!!! Way to set a goal and accomplish it!