Thursday, January 20, 2011

Quick Visit

Recently I was able to take a real quick trip to visit my parents and my sisters down in Utah. Kyle's sister wanted to go down and visit her boyfriend and so I went with her. It was really nice to have time for the two of us to have lots of time to visit. We only had one night to do it so we left early one morning and then left the next day in the early afternoon so it was real quick but sure worth it!
My mother and me
Rosanne and me - Rosanne was nice enough to take off half the day at work so we could spend a little extra time together!
Laura and me - unfortunately I didn't get to spend as much time with Laura because she had class Tuesday night but I still got to spend time with her so that was nice!

Of course I thoroughly enjoyed being able to spend some time with Toby! Toby still remembers that I always share the last drops of my ice cream with him...he is patiently waiting!
It was sure nice being able to visit with my parents and my sisters and as much as I missed Kyle on the trip it was fun for the 4 of us girls to just hang out together. We visited lots and watched a couple episodes of Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman like the good ol' days!


Rafa and Rosanne said...

It has been a long time since it was just us girls hanging out! Glad you got to come down and hope to see you guys again soon. Love you!

becky ward said...

sounds like a GREAT 24 hrs! glad you were able to have some time with your mom and sister!