Wednesday, April 7, 2010

My Birthday Week

This year I felt like my birthday lasted a few days. It started with Kyle's family coming into town over the weekend, they got there sunday and we made them dinner, then monday Kyle's grandma was kind enough to take us out to dinner to celebrate my birthday, then on tuesday night kyle and I went to a Disney themed band concert which was fun, and then on my actually birthday Kyle made me breakfast and then for dinner that night we went over to Brother and Sister Riggins house. I had Brother Riggins my first semester here at college and him and his family have become very dear friends to Kyle and I and so we had a lot of fun celebrating my birthday with them.

I am always so impressed with Kyle's gifts, he really puts a lot of thought into them and likes to make sure it is something special for me. This year he made me a puzzle!

He drew pictures of things that I love and reasons why he loves me. So cute!

Kyle got me a bunch of gardening supplies for my birthday, which I plan on using this summer. He also asked his sister Rachel to make me an apron and she did an awesome job! Yes it does say Stack, that is one of kyle's nicknames for me. Also his mom and sister spoiled me with gifts, his mom got me a cute new outfit and his sister Kelsey got me some really great smelling lotion and shower gel. Kyle's grandma also gave me some money so I can go buy something nice for myself and I was so grateful for all the cards and birthday wishes that my family and friends sent me!

This is us at the band concert.

This is Rachel, Leslie, Kelsey and Kelsey's friend Mckay, out waiting to be seated for dinner!


ckm said...

Happy birthday to one of my most favoritest people in the world! I'm so glad Kyle treats you like a princess! What a sweet guy. You look beautiful and happy!

Rafa and Rosanne said...

Happy Birthday!! Yeah for the new pictures. Looks like you sure got spoiled! :) You were lucky to have his family there to celebrate with too! Love you