Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Weekend with the Family

On the same weekend we went camping we spent the rest of the weekend with my brothers and sisters, we were sad that Kevin and his family couldn't make it but the rest of us did enjoyed being able to be together. On Saturday after we got back from the Temple open house and ice cream, Kyle and I made everyone pizza.

It was sure fun to see our nephews and nieces, I got a couple pics of Laura spending time with them.

Here is Kimball, Brian, and Simon running around Temple Square
Here is me between my two beautiful sisters!

Here is me and my wonderful husband!


Rafa and Rosanne said...

So much fun! Wish we could get together every weekend!! I did not do good at picture taking over that weekend either.

Laura Ward said...

I am so glad I got to see you again, I was so distracted by Kimball and Simon I hardly talked to you at all! The pizza was great! I need the recipe