Thursday, October 13, 2011

Celebrating 3 Years!

Kyle and I celebrated our 3 year anniversary this August, however we didn't actually celebrate it till late September. We wanted to go to McCall, Idaho where we got a package deal to get a hotel and a round of golf for the both of us. We wanted to late till the fall so we could enjoy the fall colors in the mountains. It was about a 2 hour drive so we had to stop to eat on the way there and that is the first picture below, at this little cafe in the middle of nowhere.
Below was our fancy hotel room with a King size bed!
Kyle and I went for a walk that afternoon and found this cool bear statue.

Kyle and I walked on one of the docks and enjoyed the beauty of the lake.

Kyle took this cool picture of the water.

Kyle and I have this tradition to try a new pizza place every year for our anniversary, this year it was at Toll Station

We weren't super impressed, it was just okay pizza...

It didn't seem like there was very many people at the hotel we went to which was nice because we had the whole pool to ourselves.

We were a little surprised in the morning to find ice on our car!

Especially Kyle in his shorts!

Luckily it didn't take long to warm up and were still able to go golfing!

This was the first time I have played 18 holes, usually I only play 9, so I was grateful we had a cart because golfing really does take a lot of energy!

It sure was gorgeous up there in the mountains!

Kyle golfing...

Staci golfing...

We survived our 18 holes of golf, Kyle said this was the hardest course he has played so far and I would agree. We sure had a lot of fun though and we are so grateful to have each other and look forward to many, many more years together!


becky ward said...

happy anniversary! you two look great. cute hat staci!

Ras Family said...

Yea! Happy Anniversary. Seems like you two are always doing something fun. :)