Monday, July 11, 2011

1st Ward Family Reunion

The Ward family had our 1st official reunion this year! We had it over the 4th of July weekend up at Bear Lake. The weather was perfect all weekend long! We all stayed in this big nice cabin together and just had a lot of fun!Our Cabin even had its very own hot tub! Kyle and I got it in every night as well as Kevin and Becky. Laura joined us the first night. It was very relaxing and the view was gorgeous!

We kicked Saturday morning off with some jet ski rides! Most everyone including the kids enjoyed the rides.

Kyle and me

Laura and me

Kevin and Becky

Kevin with Wes

The place we were using the jet skies had a tiny beach so the kids enjoyed playing there in between rides.

Maddy absolutely loved playing in the sand.

Laura taking me for a ride

Me taking Laura for a ride

Laura and Wes

Lisa really liked driving so she took Laura and me for a ride

After going home and getting lunch we headed to the beach to have some more fun in the sun! Here is Aaron carrying Simon - the sand was pretty hot on our feet!

It was a great beach for the kids because it had a very long shallow part to the beach.

We definitely had to put on lots of sunscreen!

Saturday was Rafa's birthday so my mom made a cake for him and we all sang to him.

He blew out all his candles!
Sunday morning we went to church just really enjoyed the rest of the day together. We had some crafts for the kids.

Maddy and me

We played some games while the kids had quite time

Here is Katie enjoying some food

Another activity we did was making quilt squares and it will be put together for Grandma. We each had to trace our hand prints...

...including the adults

Sunday night we each went around and told some of our favorite memories with our parents. And then my dad told a heroic story of his father.

Maddy being as cute as ever.

Laura enjoying some time with Eleanore

Sunday evening Rosanne and Rafa made a fire and we had smores and enjoyed the beautiful evening together. Below is Laura and me

My mom and me

Kimball loved roasting the marshmallows

So did Owen.

Simon, Maddy and Eleanore

Grandma and her newest granddaughter Kristen

We also had to get a family picture - the kids cooperated pretty well.

Here is one of Mom and Dad with all the grand kids!

We have Aaron and Sarah to thank for putting this all together this year! They did a great job at picking a place and fun activities to do! It was great being able to spend a few days with everyone! Thanks again guys!


Rafa and Rosanne said...

It was such a fun time and went by too quick!!

ckm said...

So fun! Wish we could have overlapped for a day. Miss you! Love you more. xoxo