Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas in Boise!

Christmas Eve we all got new PJ's!

Kyle's parents got me a real nice mixer

Kyle and I got his family The Office DVD game, they were pretty excited.
I got a Boise State sweatshirt, Kyle was pretty excited for me.

We got a nice drill and tool set Kyle's grandma
This is what I got for kyle and I wraped in towels to help disguise what it was
He wanted a snowboard poster to help add some of his style to our apartment
Here is me opening a nice picture frame from Kyle
Kyle was very clever with his other gift and that was he got me pots, soil and plant food so I can have some plants in our apartment.
Not everyone would appreciate a bag of dirt for Christmas!

Us opening some presents from my parents

Kyle opening a fun toy from my parents
Kyle's family was kind enough to help wrape this present for Kyle in a unique way so he wouldn't know right away what it was


Rafa and Rosanne said...

Such fun pictures!! Looks like you had fun and I'm glad they made it special for you since you weren't with us, we surely missed you!! You got lots of neat stuff. Aaron especially liked that kyle got you dirt and you got him a stick, he thinks you guys go well together! :) Merry Christmas!! Love ya lots.

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas! Looks like you had a fun Christmas and got lots of cool presents! What a nice husband you have to give you dirt. things sure are pretty crazy around here. simon love to scream and kimball loves to make him scream.