Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Weekend Trip to Boise

We took a weekend trip to Boise to visit with Kyle's family. We went to lunch on Friday...

On Saturday we went downtown to the Farmer's Market and saw a lot of cool handmade things and lots of good food to try.

On saturday afternoon while Kyle watched golf with Greg, and while Kelsey was at work, Leslie, Rachel and I went to the Boise Botanical Garden. It was beautiful!

We also went to the top of a mountain called Table Rock.
Rachel and me.
Rachel, Leslie and me. ( it was a little windy up there!)

Grandma's 80th Birthday!

Our Grandma Kunde celebrated her 80th Birthday last week and a surprise birthday party was thrown for her and she was so excited! All of her kids where there and many of her grandchildren. We had a nice dinner, and then all of her kids shared some of their memories and then we watched a slide show of pictures from throughout her life. We sure love her and are very grateful for everything she does for us!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Our 1 Year Anniversary!

We celebrated our 1 year anniversary this weekend! We are so grateful for the last year we have been able to spend together and look forward to many many more! We decided to go back up to Island Park for the weekend and had a really nice time! On our way up there Kyle planned a hike to a place called Sheep Falls and on our way in we saw a sheep! The falls were beautiful and we also found this young tree growing out of a big rock and want to go back every year to see if its still growing.
Of course we had to make some time for fishing! Kyle caught 5 fish on his fly-rod which he was pretty excited about and I enjoyed watching him and reading a book.
Kyle surprised me by buying tickets to the Playmill theater in West Yellowstone to The Secret Garden! We both really enjoyed the play and I was so grateful for my surprise! Before the play we walked around the shops there and read some bear stories in the bookstore they had there. We also went to a pizza place for dinner which was perfect since we both love pizza. Friday night Kyle also surprised me with buying an ice cream maker so Friday night we made homemade ice cream and watched The Edge (a movie about bears...fitting for staying in a cabin :-) Kyle planned most of the surprises for this year but I wanted to do a little something so I got up early on our anniversary morning and placed a bunch of cut out hearts on the floor leading to his card.
Every time we go up to Island Park I am always keeping my eyes peeled for some cool animals and this time we saw a moose on our way out so I was pretty happy about that. You can't see it very well in the picture but the brown spec in the middle of the pic is the head!
Later Sunday night we headed down to Idaho Falls to Kyle's grandma's house to pick up his sister Rachel and they had made us a very delicious dinner and Kyle's grandma gave us a very sweet card and a fondue set so we are excited to try that out.
I am grateful to Kyle for making our 1st anniversary special and for a great first year together! He's the best husband I could ask for!