Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Birch Creek

Last Saturday we went to Birch Creek with another couple to try the fishing there, it was a really pretty area out in the middle of nowhere.
We saw a moose on the opposite side of the road that the creek was on.

We had to climb up and over this latter to get into the fishing area

Kyle fishing

This one fish made the trip worth it for Kyle!
We had to sit out one storm that passed through, there were a few others around so that made it a little more fun hearing thunder in the background as we enjoyed the afternoon.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Laura's Quick Visit

Laura came up last weekend to see her new niece and the rest of the family that is here of course :-) so we spent some time with Kevin and his family and then Laura and I spent Friday afternoon together. We went to the mall and looked at some clothes and looked at around Barnes and Noble. It was sure fun to see her!
Here is Kyle holding his new niece, he thought her hand under her chin looked pretty cute!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Kyle's 24th Birthday

I started out Kyle's 24th Birthday with one of his favorite breakfasts: hash browns with bacon and eggs mixed together

Earlier that morning I hid 24 pieces of paper where each one had a reason of why we should celebrate his birthday. I tried to hide the paper with something that correlated with the reason. For example the first one I put in his card that said he always makes people laugh so he looked behind our frame that says LAUGH and found the next reason which said he was sweet so then he looked where the sugar was and so forth. He had a lot of fun trying to figure out where the pieces of paper were. Here are the 24th reasons to celebrate kyle:
1. The first reason to celebrate you is because you always can make people laugh!
2. The second reason to celebrate you is because you are sweet!
3. The third reason to celebrate you is because you are a great cook!
4. The fourth reason to celebrate you is because you are good with people and can make anyone feel comfortable around you!
5. The fifth reason to celebrate you is because you are caring to those you love!
6. The sixth reason to celebrate you is because you are very thoughtful and do sweet things for your wife!
7. The seventh reason to celebrate you is because you try hard to please your wife!
8. The 8th reason to celebrate you is because you are a good comforter; you are there for those who need you!
9. The ninth reason to celebrate you is because you enjoy having friends and you are a good friend to them!
10. The tenth reason to celebrate you is because you are a good listener to those who are your friends!
11. The eleventh reason to celebrate you is because you honor God and have a testimony of the true gospel!
12. The twelfth reason to celebrate you is because you love and cherish your family!
13. The thirteenth reason to celebrate you is because you are patient with your wife and others!
14. The fourteenth reason to celebrate you is because you are creative and life to have fun!
15. The fifteenth reason to celebrate you is because you are smart!
16. The sixth reason to celebrate you is because you always show affection to you wife!
17. The seventh reason to celebrate you is because you are easy going!
18. The eighteenth reason to celebrate you is because you are determined to be better! 19. The nineteenth reason to celebrate you is because you are goofy!!
20. The twentieth reason to celebrate you is because you love life!
21. The twenty first reason to celebrate you is because you are willing to serve others!
22. The twenty second reason to celebrate you is because you are genuinely nice and give others compliments!
23. The twenty third reason to celebrate you is because you are understanding and try to think how others might be feeling!
24. The twenty fourth reason to celebrate you is because you have a big heart and love others very much and that’s why you have all these great qualities!
Kyle having crab for his birthday dinner...

Kyle with his presents. His favorite was a new shower head that extends so he can actually fit under the shower!
Kyle getting ready to blow out his candles on his cheesecake. We had one of his good friends Justin and his family come over for cake. Kyle's not sure he likes getting older but enjoyed his birthday anyway.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

4th of July Weekend

For the 4th of July we spent most of the week in Island Park at Kyle's family's cabin. Kyle and his dad did a lot of fishing, we played a lot of games, went canoeing...
we also went four wheeling and in the middle picture below of Kyle and I, you cant really tell but we are pretty wet and muddy because we went through a bunch of puddles! We also saw signs for a garage sale so we decided to stop by and the guy gave Kyle this cover for one of his golf clubs.
On Friday Kyle and I went on a little hike. A few years back Kyle's parents saw a bear on this hike but the only wildlife we saw were some geese. We did see some bones by the river and a spot where there was lots of animal fur but no animals.
Then Saturday night we went down to Idaho Falls and had dinner with Kyle's Grandma and then went to see the firework show.